
Showing posts from September, 2004

Weekend of 2 Halves

So lets start with the good........ Got the expansion pack for Call of Duty (what class), come on everybody lets go kill some Germans (please note this is the aim of the game, not my psychopathic wishes, as this game is based on WWII as started by the mustachioed mental German, Hitler). Ah what fun. Also saw Hero which I really liked, it was less of a film more a piece of art. Now the Bad....... Our water tank decided to start leaking and created some nice wet patches all over the house. Fearing hundred of pounds worth of plumber bills my sisters fiance came to the rescue and managed to fix it all the about £5......phew.

The Weekend Arrives

Ah Fridays how I love thee so, you are my most favourite of days, except for Saturday and mostly Sunday, But you are my most favouritest working weekday. Work sucks, what idiot invented it. If only I could win the lottery, but that requires you to buy a ticket. Surely the government should set up a scheme to fund chronically lazy people such as myself so we don't have to work, we're not productive to society anyway.

Slag off George's Week Draws to a Close

Yes I am posting the final Slag of George's Week post (as frankly even I'm bored of it now). And I really can't think of any more really disagreeable George's so back to the Bushmeister himself. The man's retarded with intellect of an oxygen deprived fish that was born with learning difficulties. A plea to all Americans of voting age, please don't vote for him, he's going to destroy the world (he's like Godzilla on the rampage, only more dangerous. Plus at least with Godzilla he was entertaining to watch, but with Dub-ya as old Roy would say "Frankly I'd rather stick a fork in my eye") . I would carry on using as many words to portray my feelings for him but instead just go to type in moron and they'll do it for me.

George Rant

I forgot I am supossed to be ranting every day and also i declared it slag off George's Week, only i have run out of Georges to slag off. So at the lack of anything else I'll pick George Forman and his over priced grills. I'll tell you those adverts used to get right on my tits, and now he does loads of other stuff as well as his grills. Like his lean mean toasting machine, it's just a f*****g toaster whoop-de-doo. Thank you, rant over

Ray Mears: Bushcraft God

Just thought I would say that the bloke is an absolute legend. I don't know how he does it, he seems to have sum total of all survival techniques stored in his head. If you ever get lost, you want this man with you. Get stuck in the middle of nowhere with no fire or food, give him a couple of hours and he will light a fire and rustle up a nice and nutritious plant root and insect soup......Lovely. If only they sold mini versions of him you could store in you pocket incase you ever get stranded in the middle of the wilderness. "Mini Mears" the ultimate survival pack.........It would make you a fortune.

Newbury Beer Festival Update: Beard of Power

Forgot to say that at the Beer Festival I nearly Broke Carls arm in my drunken stupor (its not good to bundle people half your size when you about 15 stone), but do not fret I had email from Carl today and with some the aide of the drugs he is well on the way to recovery. I say it was his beard of power that did the trick, as shown below by his demonstration models that he takes everywhere with him.

Genius or Insane megalomaniac Perfectionist?

The Star Wars trilogy finally came out on DVD yesterday.... Hurray!!! but not the original theatrical versions.... Boo!!!!! I'm afraid to say i succumed and bought them (damn my impatience). After watching Star Wars last night i fondly remember the brilliance of it, but all the needless additions almost spoil what is a timeless classic. George Lucas is an arse (obviously that is my own personal opinion not a matter of fact, although some of you may disagree). Why can't the insane fool leave his work alone. I mean i don't mind a bit of re-editing, adding deleted scenes or even slightly tweaking the effects to clean them up or whatever, but the Jabba the Hut added scene where Han walks over his tail is just stupid and so obviously computer enhanced it nearly ruins the whole film. George just leave them alone, you finished them nearly 30 years ago. As for the prequels, again George Lucas is either a visionary of the digital age and total genius.....or has gone totally insan...

Newbury Beer Festival

Norris McSquirter chews the fat as he eats the scaps from the floor. What a great night, nearly in a fight with a crazed Liverpool fan (loon) and then violently sick most of the night afterwards. Marvelous!!!!! Roll on next year.

I'm Here!!!

Finally after having a computer for about 5 years i have managed to create somthing for myself, took me long enough. Lets hope I manage to keep this regularly updated with the drivel that is my life, and maybe a few photos along the way as well. Don't worry more to come soon, not that you are worring of course.