Website of Choice: Chavtastic

Thanks my dear friend Carl (as he found it) I have come across this great website.

You can brush up on all your chav spotting needs, and on your celebrity chavs. Also check out their shop with some great t-shirts. I was tempted to get one but I don't think the local chav population would take too kindly to it and would likely get my head kicked in.

I don't know about you but has there be some sort of chav population explosion recently as they seem to be multiplying like rabbits. Speaking of which does anybody know what the chav equivalent of myxomatosis is, maybe we could introduce it to keep the population under control.


Ross McDonald said…
Don't forget 'chav' is just another word for 'pleb' or any one of a thousand terms to describe the portion of the population which falls somewhere below the status of 'homo sapiens'. In their case I think they have the 'homo' bit but not the 'sapiens' bit.

I do agree however that a massive multiplication does seem to be in progress, (expansion in population), one solution may be to introduce compulsory sterilization to those with inadequate IQ.

Anyway, enough of that, on to other things...

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