Work Woes

Work, i spit on you, hak-puht.

I so hate work, well actually i don't hate work, as the actual work is alright, what i hate is the company, Namely Vodafone. (hak-puht, Your mother is a hampster and your father smells of elderberies, i fart in your general direction).

If you ever get the chance to work for this company i wouldn't bother, as i have found although it may be a good company customer-wise, as for it staff it couldn't give a toss. That is unless you are middle management or higher, then you get lots of perks. The reasons i would say for this is middle management, the top bods want a happy workforce but it all gets scewed up in the middle. I blame people in middle management trying to make themselves look good with their great ideas. He's an idea though try asking the people who know and do the various jobs, instead of your unfounded great ideas that are generally rubbish and end up causing more work.

Well thats my rant over, if my bosses see this dole queue her i come.


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