
Showing posts from 2006

Illness, Comedy, Fireworks

Well that sums up my week as i have been ill, and i am still, since Monday got a bad cold or cirus from somewhere, seems a lot of it about, and haven't bee nright since. Had Tuesday to Thursday off work and went back Friday but really regreted it as i wasn't up for it and didn't feel too chpper afterwards, but this leads onto the comedy. I had organised to go see Mitchel and Webb live, if you are not familiar with them it's the 2 blokes from "Peep Show" and "That Mitchel and Webb Look". I was't have going to have suffered at work for nothing so i decided to go even though i was falling a sleep even before we got there, but as they were quite good they managed to keep me awake all the way through, although i felt rather rough afterwards. Finally this brings us to the fireworks we had our local fireworks display yesterday which we all went to again, i wasn't feeling the greatest. But i thought i would go and be sociable, maybe the fresh air wou

PS3 Launches

So it finally launched in Japan yesterday and was a fairly low key affair by all regards, which is interesting, so have Sony something to hide or are they quietly confident and want everybody else to make their own hype, who knows. Well i suppose the fact that it isn't coming out over here until march is a good thing as it will give me time to assess what the system is like with the reactions from everbody else and see what they think. As i am really tempted with one now as i want a cheap HD player of some description and the HD-DVD drive of the 360 is somewhat tempting but as it doesn't use a HDMI conection it does worry me, plus i'm starting to think that Blu-Ray may end up being the winning format or at least the most dominent. So  we shall wait and see what happens.

Moving on track

Well it "hopefully" looks as though the move is all going work out, and as you can see we are starting to pack in preparation. Although it looks as though we will be living with the in-laws for a few days after we buy there place so we aren't going to be able to get things sorted until they get all there stuff out. The house may be very packed for a while with to sets of furniture just hope none of our stuff gets taken to france with theirs. But it is so going to be worth it in the end, it had better be.

Gadgets a Go-Go

Well my new A/V setup is coming along now with my fairly new HDTV, which is really good with my 360 and certainly makes a difference when playing, and i have just got an upscaling DVD recorder to make the most of the new TV. All i need now is the new surround sound set up, which i think will wait until after we have moved, or should i say if? Also got a new monitor for my PC as my old on was on its last legs and i though i had better get it while i still have some money. Well at least things do appear to moving along a bit now as we are seeing the solicitor on Friday as having a nightmare trying to get hold of him and reply to any of my emails. So hopefully after tomorrow it will look a bit more like it is all going to work out in time. Would certainly be good to get in before Christmas and get a few things sorted, and i also may need to call upon the help of my dad especially if we have short notice on moving in. Plus we will need some help with decorating. Fingers crossed

Never moving again

I will certainly be glad when or should i say if we finally move and sale and purchase go through, i will never move again. I naively thought everything was going through fine no stress, so what do everyone moan about then we hit a problem and i understand. Everything was fine until our current problem of trying to speed things up. Now things are up in the air and it may all fall through. I now have a headache and just want to lie down. Never again i tell you, never again

Shozu up and running

Well hopefully this will post on my blog. As this is my first attempt at a blog from my phone if it works it could mean a lot more updates......... Yeah right.

I'm Alive and Moving

Yes believe it or not I am still alive, and so is Joey. Can't believe it has been over a year since I last posted, I won't try to recap the last year as far too much has happened, I would never have thought it but it has. So I shall just say what is current. finally went permanent with my new job after 7 month with a pay rise, Yay!!! Biggest thing of all we are moving as we have sold the house, yes we will soon hopefully have a garden and spare rooms. Joey is going to love the fact that the computer isn't going to be in the bedroom anymore, and I don't get moaned at for being on it late, hopefully. So everyone seems to be moving at the moment The Chuddlings and the Po's are also moving and we are all going to be within walking distance of each other, which is going to be great for parties. Also currently taking Golf lessons, as they were cheap, £70 for 20 hours and so got a load of cheap golf gear as well. Got pretty much everything for about £50, and will be a go